In recent weeks, Identity Malta has migrated the application process for Self-Employed, Employment less than 6 months, Blue Card, Intra-corporate Transferee, Household Employees and requests for Change of Address and Stolen/Lost Cards to the online portal https://singlepermit.gov.mt/. Whilst at the moment, the transition period is allowing for applicants to use the former application process, as from the 6thDecember 2021, these applications will only be accepted online.
To submit online applications or requests for the categories delineated above, as well as for Single Work Permits, an eID account is required by the employer or in the case of Self-Employed by the individual. Further guidelines in submitting applications through this portal may be found on the User Manual, available on the same portal, or through the link: https://singlepermit.gov.mt/Res/OnlineApplicationForSinglePermitGuide.pdf
Change of Address or Lost/Stolen Card (Work & Residence permits Only)
Change of Addresses or lost/stolen cards requests for those holding Work & Residence permits may also be submitted through the online portal https://singlepermit.gov.mt/, with this process becoming available online only as from the 6th December 2021. Such changes can be submitted either by the employer or by the employee, by logging in using their respective, personal eID.